How to make your living room feel extra cosy this winter

Now that the clocks have gone back and the temperature is starting to drop, you might be thinking about how you can turn your living room into a cosy sanctuary to keep the winter chill at bay. After all, there’s nothing more comforting for most people than being curled up inside in the warmth with a hot chocolate as the snow drifts past your window! So here are some of our top tips on how to make your living room extra snug this winter.


Address issues with draughts and insulation

Check if there are any places that heat is being lost from your living room. The most likely culprits are external doors and windows, especially if you don’t have double glazing. Draught excluders that sit at the bottom of doors can be an inexpensive solution, as well as keyhole and letterbox covers. Meanwhile, hanging thick curtains can help to block the heat from escaping through the windows and also increase the cosy vibes of the space. If you have a bigger budget, wall insulation could make a big difference to both the temperature in the living room and your heating bills.


Get a cosy new carpet

One of the most effective ways to make your living room cosier is to have a luxuriously soft carpet fitted. Here at, you can find all sorts of comfortable and stylish carpet options in a variety of materials, patterns, and colours to suit your existing decor and personal preferences. However, you could choose warm colours, such as deep reds, vibrant oranges, and rich purples, to keep as much warmth and cosiness in the room.


Not only is carpet great at retaining warmth in a room, but it also feels lovely underfoot. On the other hand, if you love the look of our wooden flooring, you could always consider getting a fluffy rug or two to soften the space during the winter.


Decorate with warmth in mind

In addition to carpet and rugs for the floor, there are lots of other decorative options that will instantly make your living room look and feel cosier. Here are some of our favourites:


  • Add a warm blanket and plush cushions to your sofa – having lots of different textures, and layers in a room is an effective way to make it feel warmer and more inviting.
  • Avoid putting large items of furniture in front of the radiators, as this will prevent the heat from circulating in the room.
  • Install floating shelves above the radiators to deflect the heat into the room rather than have it rise to the ceiling.
  • Get an oil diffuser to fill the room with ambient fragrance – warming winter scents such as cinnamon, clove, frankincense, fir, and vanilla are fantastic choices.
  • Choose soft and warm lighting (for example, lamps and wall lights) rather than cold and bright overhead lights.
  • Burn some candles for a cosy flickering glow and the atmospheric sound of a burning wooden wick – extra points if you choose one with a wintery scent!


If you want to feel cosy while at home, make sure to consider the above tips to turn your home into a cosy sanctuary.