How to Deal with Pet Hair in Your Home

Improving your interior design, upgrading your home and spending money on improvements is all time and funds well spent – but what can easily make your home space less than perfect is persistent pet hair. It can mark your carpets, compromise your seats and generally leave your home’s air quality feeling askew if you have allergies.

However, all is not lost for those with furry friends living in the home; having a good system in place for dealing with pet hair means your interior design and home’s cleanliness can always remain its best. To prove that fact, here are a few ideas for handling pet hair in your home.

Choose the Right Carpet

If you have pets with black fur and a white or cream carpet, cleaning is going to be significantly harder than it should be when you’re trying to keep on top of it – not to mention it’s worse if you have a thicker carpet with more hair getting trapped.

Therefore, choosing the right carpet is essential for keeping on top of pet hair, both in colour and in style. With carpets in Dulwich, you can select the right colour and length to cope more easily with the hair that your pets are shedding, as well as a carpet style that’s easy to vacuum.

Use Rugs

If you want to protect your carpet or flooring as much as possible, area rugs can be a big plus for dealing with pet hair, too. It might sound counterproductive, but if you can get a comfortable rug that’s the designated spot for your pet, it might help keep most of the hair in one area instead of all over your carpet. It can also reduce the amount of foot and pet traffic the main carpet sees.

Protect Your Furniture

When thinking about protecting your furniture, easily wipeable surfaces, like leather instead of fabric, would be best – but this is not always possible if you’re a fan of fabric or already have your home kitted out with fabric seating.

It may be easier to control pet hair if you cover sofas and chairs with a removable cover or throw so that you can detach and clean that instead, rather than your sofa itself getting marked or spoiled.

Tackle Your Pet First

To limit the amount of hair dropping and causing a mess, it’s a good idea to take care of it at the source as much as possible – and that means regularly brushing or grooming your pet, and bathing them to keep them clean and fresh. This will hopefully reduce any extra fur moulting and uncleanliness if it can be brushed or washed away first.

It’s Okay to Set Up Home Boundaries

You might not want your pet to have access to every area of the home, and that’s okay; if you have two lounges, for example, you might like one to remain the hair-free, cosy room you always wanted it to be with a plush carpet and soft fabrics. If that’s the case, make sure to set up rules – and pet gates – for where your pets can and can’t roam.