How To Clean Your Carpets For Christmas

If you are inviting family and friends over at Christmas, you will want your home to look as nice as possible.

While you can put up as many decorations as you want, if your carpets are looking more grubby than gorgeous, then your home won’t be the haven you want it to be.

Fortunately, it doesn’t take much time and effort to restore your carpets to their former glory.

Read on to discover how you can clean your carpets in time for Christmas in five simple steps.

Step 1: Hoover with baking soda

The key to long-lasting and clean carpets is to vacuum them regularly, at least once a week. However, if you really want your carpets to look their best this festive season, then sprinkle a layer of baking soda over them before you vacuum.

Baking soda is a highly effective neutraliser of bad odours, and it can help lift stains out of your carpets. For best results, leave the baking soda for 15-20 minutes before vacuuming.

Step 2: Treat stains straight away

If someone spills a glass of wine or cup of coffee on your carpet, you need to act fast, or the stain will start to set.

Depending on the type of liquid that is spilt, there is a wide range of stain removal techniques that you can use. Soap and warm water always work well, as does white vinegar and baking soda for more stubborn stains.

You should never rub a stain as this can cause it to become further ingrained in your carpet’s fibres. Instead, blot with a clean cloth and repeat the cleaning process until the stain has been successfully removed.

Step 3: Place mats in high traffic areas

As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure, so it can be a good idea to take preventative measures to keep your carpets clean in the run up to Christmas.

One highly effective way to do this is by placing mats in high traffic areas of your home, such as the entrance way. This will help to ensure that your guests don’t bring any unwanted dirt into your home and onto your carpets.

Step 4: Book a professional clean

If you really want your carpets to look brand new over the Christmas period, then your best option is to bring in the professionals.

A professional carpet cleaning company will use the latest equipment and high-performing products to ensure that your carpet is gleaming come Christmas morning.

However, be warned that these services book up quickly at this time of year, so book early to ensure your spot!

Step 5: Invest in a new carpet

If your carpet has seen better days and no amount of cleaning is going to help matters, then you might want to think about investing in a new carpet before Christmas comes.

You can find some great deals on carpets at this time of year, and there is still plenty of time to have them ordered and fitted before you hang up your decorations.

For carpets in Dulwich, look no further, as we have all the best carpets in the area with the most competitive prices.