How to Care for Your Carpet

Whether you are thinking about having a new carpet fitted in your home or are you are considering the benefits and drawbacks of this type of floor covering, it is always a good idea to know how to extend the longevity of your carpet and keep it looking lush for longer.

From cleaning it regularly (and not just with a vacuum cleaner), to making sure it was fitted perfectly in the first place, to concealing any carpet runs, keep reading to discover how you can care for your carpet properly and ensure it stays and feels fresh and soft.

Don’t attempt DIY installation

If you want your carpet to look like it’s been laid by a professional, then you need to enlist the services of a reputable carpet fitter. No amount of YouTube Do It Yourself videos will suddenly turn you into a pro at fitting carpet. Yes, it may save you a little bit of money in the short run, but you will be left with an inferior finish and also be much more likely to suffer problems with your carpet in the future.

Instead, look to a professional who has glowing reviews online and one that you feel you can trust.

Vacuum frequently

This may seem like a such a simple task but vacuuming your carpet regularly is one of the best things you can to maximise the life of your carpet. Aim to vacuum at least once a week and high-traffic areas such as the hallway and stairs twice a week if possible.

You also need to make sure that you are vacuuming your carpet correctly. You should have it raised to its highest setting and go as slowly as possible as to not damage the material and to ensure all the dirt is lifted.

Hire a pro carpet cleaner

If you can afford to do so, hiring a pro carpet cleaner to carry out a hot wash extraction once a year can work wonders for your carpet. To avoid unforeseen costs, make sure that the estimate you receive includes everything from moving your furniture to routine spot removal to deodorising as part of the service.

Alternatively, you could choose to use rented carpet cleaning equipment and do it yourself, although be warned you won’t get the same results as with a pro cleaner.

Repair carpet runs

Snags are perfectly normal in carpets but can look unsightly and make your carpet appear older than it actually is. Fortunately, all you need is a pair of scissors, some tape, and carpet adhesive to make a snag miraculously disappear.

Gently tug the loose yarn to locate the point where it is still firmly attached to the backing of your carpet, and then snip it off. Protect the surrounding carpet using the tape and apply a bead of carpet adhesive into the run.

Treat stains immediately

Two of the most common stains on carpets are wine stains and pet stains, both of which need to be cleaned immediately to avoid long term staining.

For wine stains, use a cloth to blot, not rub the stain and focus on soaking up as much excess liquid as you can. Then pour a small amount of water onto the stain. Blot again. Finally, make a baking soda paste by mixing a three-to-one ratio of water to baking powder and applying to the stain — once dry, vacuum.

Pet stains need an enzyme-based cleaning solution that is suitable for your particular carpet fibre type.